“Ars sine scientia nihil est. [Scientia sine decoro nihil est.]
(Art without knowledge is nothing. [Science without beauty is nothing.])”
Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC is a premier New England think tank and design firm of 25 protostartups focused in six major spaces. These currently include:
Arts, Education, Fashion, and Entertainment
Computing and Algorithms
E-Commerce and Web-based Services
Life Sciences and Medical Technology
Security and Defense
Social Engineering and Networking
Among these protostartups are those focused on collective intelligence and emergency response, enhanced RSA security protocols, internet anonymity, drone tracking and delivery, startup generation, short-range nuclear weapons detection, tracking of epidemics, novel 3D X-ray medical imaging, confined particle beam treatment, personal genomics and social engineering, hyperlocal microbanking, and novel forms of communication through wearable technology and technology-assisted networking.
Protostartup Space Distribution
At present, much of our work is proprietary, privileged, confidential, and at various stages of the prototyping phase, from the purely theoretical to advanced design and finalized mobile/web marketplace or application. Protostartup names and brief descriptions are as follows:
Arts, Education, Fashion, and Entertainment
Nyx Gallery. Contemporary Art-Science-Tech Gallery
Drop Couture. Communication via Smart Apparel
Rosh D.Q. Haute Couture LED Technology
Top Tutors. Private and Group Instruction
Computing and Algorithms
Beowulfram. Desktop Supercomputing
Bition. Accessible Electronic Currencies
Cloak. Privacy and Internet Anonymity
Kryptologik. Enhanced RSA Encryption
E-Commerce and Web-based Services
AcademiX. Education Insurance and Support
Draddo. Aerial Drone Tracking and Delivery
Lefe. Hyperlocal Microbanking
Mevento. Event Planning made Simple
Life Sciences and Medical Technology
CassabaX. 3D Backscattering X-ray Imaging
Diagnostat. Cloud Diagnosis and E-Medicine Suite
LightByte. Wearable Photometry
ProLepton. Confined Particle Beam Treatment
Weon. Rapid Detection of Disease (including STIs and Cancer)
Security and Defense
AstroNot. Asteroid Tracking and Mining
NokaBüm. Short-range Nuclear Weapons Detection
PerpAlert. Collective Intelligence
ViroTrack. Symptom Tracking and Illness Anticipation
Social Engineering and Networking
Dremr. Startup Generator
Alpha.Nexus. Technology-Assisted Networking Events
ReadMe. Personal Genomics and Open-Source Living
WallaB. Collective Intelligence and Emergency Response
To date, Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC has successfully deployed two companies (Weon Diagnostic Devices, Inc. and Nyx Gallery, Inc.), one event series (Alpha.Nexus), one online idea translation community (Dremr), and an education initiative (Top Tutors), in addition to continuing its efforts in developing new methodologies, software, and technology.
Weon Diagnostic Devices, Inc., a Cambridge-based medical device firm, aims to deliver rapid and accurate detection of common diseases and derangements at point-of-careincluding infections (e.g., UTIs and STIs), heart disease, and cancer.
Nyx Gallery, Inc., an online art gallery, aims to redefine the contemporary fine arts by facilitating and supporting a dialogue among artists, designers, technologists, and scientists.
Alpha.Nexus, an exclusive community of ground-breaking New England innovators and entrepreneurs and an inspiring master class of mentors, advisors, and investors, serves as a novel technology-assisted networking platform for communication, support, and growth.
Dremr (pronounced dreamer), an idea translator and online team-building community, focuses on assisting dreamers with transforming their brilliant ideas into reality.
Top Tutors, a private education initiative, offers individual and group instruction, standardized test preparation, and research guidance in all scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) coursework and content areas for secondary and collegiate levels.