“The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.”
The scientific atmosphere of a great many universities and colleges has been for the most part bereft of innovation and entrepreneurship, although this is beginning to change. In many science, engineering, and mathematics courses, students are taught the theory underlying their subject, but modern applications are largely ignored. This classical pedagogical approach, while important, often marginalizes or even completely disregards potentially impactful technological advances including readily implementable innovations on existing methodology. If given proper support and guidance, novel research projects could be initiated to simultaneously fill this gap, stimulate interest in innovation and address — possibly even solve — an array of current problems, all while satisfying curricular constraints. In contrast, countless brilliant ideas are devised outside of academic settings and languish simply because there is no simple avenue of communication to established innovators, researchers, and developers. This rift is even more troubling during a time of a global disaster like the current pandemic.
“Litterarum radices amarae, fructus dulces.
(Bitter are the roots of study, [but how] sweet [their] fruit.)”
Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC aims to accelerate discovery and advance scientific understanding by generating and supporting innovative research projects that address fundamental questions in pure and applied science and technology, public health, electronic commerce and communication, worldwide safety directives, art appreciation, and the social networking experience.
Our current projects investigate the rapid detection of disease (including UTIs, STIs and cancer), tracking of symptoms of infection and epidemics, detection of short-range nuclear weapons, aggregation and analysis of big data for scientific, commercial, medical (personal genomics) and security purposes (including collective intelligence and emergency response), and the improvement of various salient features of education, social interaction, art, fashion, communication and networking (including emerging currencies and microbanking). For more details, please view our work.
Nexus iR&D Laboratory, LLC is committed to solving difficult problems and invites talent, collaboration, research and investment proposals from all interested parties.
Join the Nexus Revolution!
“The research scientist is not an innovator but a solver of puzzles, and the puzzles upon which he concentrates are just those which he believes can be both stated and solved within the existing scientific tradition.”